General health + wellness

Supporting your health every step of the way


Internal medicine

Focusing on treating the root cause of the disharmony, we assess the body and prepare a treatment plan using acupuncture and herbal medicine specific to you. Helping to rebalance the system as a whole, we aim to address digestive, respiratory, circulatory, cardiovascular, urinary and endocrine issues.



Supporting your mind, body and spirit to keep you functioning at your best every single day. We work on boosting your energy, moods and immune system while promoting proper rest, recovery and relaxation.

Woman with hands over face

Pain management

Pain is a subjective experience and is as individual as you. We address the root of the imbalance that manifests in conditions such as migraines, menstrual cramps, nerve related pain, joint pain, arthritic conditions, and muscle pain. It is a natural solution to many pain related issues and can get you lasting relief.


Athletic performance

Acupuncture is a safe and natural therapy that can improve your performance by increasing strength, power and flexibility while also preventing and treating injuries. It can help speed up recovery post injury to get you back to feeling your best in no time.

Take control of your health, today.